Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Power of Prayer

Esther, a woman who works for us, came to me with a heavy heart yesterday.

You may remember that 2 years ago, her son Emmanuel had been kidnapped. A terrible situation turned out to be a miracle, and we all praised the Lord for the way He returned Emmanuel safely to his family. Recently, a woman who is not a believer, commented to Esther that when Christians in Mali pray to their God, He acts. She remarked that when push comes to shove, those of a different faith here often just turn back to the witchdoctors "who can really get something done" instead of relying on their god. In analyzing the difference, she concluded that this was really no faith at all.

Esther is now facing another situation in her family that she recognizes only God can change. One of her sons has been caught stealing from others in the yard where they live. They have continually tried to deal with it in every way that they know how, and he has still repeated the offense. She feels that they are out of resources, apart from prayer. When she shared this with me, she spoke of the time that God rescued her son Emmanuel from evil intentions because so many people-literally around the world- were praying for him. As difficult as it was for her to admit what another of her sons was doing, she felt she needed to get as many backing them up in prayer as possible. God is able! Please join us in praying for the heart of her son: that not only would he stop doing what he knows to be wrong, but that through this situation their whole family would be strengthened in their witness for Christ. Merci beaucoup!

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