Monday 16 November 2009

Enok, continued

Thank you to all who have been praying for Enok. Our teammates have been keeping us updated on his condition, which is improving all the time. A physiotherapist has been seeing him each day to have him sit up and do some exercises. He isn't yet able to eat solid foods, but is eating fruit and drinking milk. Pray that he would regain FULL use of his limbs, especially his hands. He says he is no longer having bad dreams of the accident, and that his pain in decreasing as well. Please continue to pray for complete healing, and for the Lord́s purpose to be accomplished through this. This has by no means been an easy experience, but we are confident that God will use this in Enok's life as well as many others!

Thursday 5 November 2009

Please pray for Enoch

Enoch runs a Christian school in Mali, and has encountered much spiritual opposition in the past months. We have sent out an email concerning this accident to many, but here is the facebook link that explains more of what has happened.