Sunday, 28 February 2010


A packed church!

The bride with her Maid of Honor

Steve with Pastor Maurice

Always time for chatting!

Yesterday, Steve and Kevin attended the wedding of a son of Maurice Sogoba, a pastor that they have both spent quite a bit of time working with. Maurice was in fact the first Malian that we ever met, as he had come to the US a few years before we got to Mali in order to raise support for the media ministry that he is a part of. Yesterday was a happy day for all!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Operation Christmas Child

Last Sunday, we went out to Mana, a village about an hour outside of Bamako, where there is a Bible school and a few houses owned by our mission. We attended church that morning, then afterward had the opportunity to see and even help out with the distribution of shoeboxes through Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse. It was a fun day to be able to see SO many smiling, happy faces!

Josh, Danny, and Kameron next to some happy kids

This boy was off by himself, reading the booklet that came with his shoebox:
"Jesus, the Greatest Gift."

Jonny passing out some boxes

For lots more photos, you can go to our Facebook album (even if you don't have a Facebook account) at:

BCA at the Zoo

Last week, BCA headed off to the Bamako Zoo. This has become a once-a-year event for the school. Not only is it close, but it is also inexpensive. It costs about 50 cents for a family of 5! We absolutely love the zoo. One can't go expecting to see an equivalent to our North American zoos, but you need to take it for what it is. Where else can you go and be able to throw peanuts to all the monkeys, feed coke to the chimp, get regurgitated banana spit on you by an ostrich, and then be able to walk away from the zoo with free pet mice, given by the guy in charge of the reptile exibit? And all for the low, low price of 50 cents!

All of the students, just before heading into the zoo.

Josh and a friend, taken by driver Becky, stuck in traffic.

Jonny, Danny, and another friend. All sporting their new BCA t-shirts.

Enok Back Home

A few weeks ago, Steve was able to help take Enok, his wife, and some of their belongings back to his home town of Ouelessebougou. This was an exciting day, as just a few months ago people had wondered whether or not he was going to live. This is a photo of him, able to stand and even hold a picture of Flat Stanley (for a friend's daughter's school project back in Alabama). He has much rehab to go, as his hands do not yet work as they should.

Steve was so glad to be able to witness the rejoicing of so many when he arrived home. There was much celebration! People know that it was a miracle that he survived the accident, and that he can function the way that he does. Pray that they would recognize and turn to the Miracle Worker!